Starting off as little more than a postoffice in 1860, in 1888 Goondiwindi was declared a town, serving as a boarder stop-over between New South Wales and Queensland. A centre for agriculture, crops and exports include (but are not limited to) beef, corn, barley and sugar. The most well known member of the Goondiwindi clan was the prize racehorse Gunsynd, who won no less than 29 races – a statue to this sterling stallion stands proudly in the town centre, and is a must see for visitors, as is its annual festival Gourmet in the Gundy, a fine-foods festival in September each year.

Goondiwindi is on the NSW QLD boarder and is 350 km (4 hr drive) south west of Brisbane.

View the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships online portal to identify the Indigenous language group/s for Goondiwindi.

population Population:
airport Airport:
icons Arts & Culture:
Australia Council Profile - Maranoa
Untitled-5 Local Electorate:
Goondiwindi Regional Council
Untitled-5 State Electorate:
Southern Downs
Untitled-5 Federal Electorate:
weather Weather:
22°C clear sky

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