Everyone loves bubbles but Dr Hubble really loves bubbles and he wants to show you why!

Dr Hubble’s Bubble’s is the perfect performance for younger audiences. It’s a fun and funny show full of wow moments and wonder that has children enthralled from start to finish. Dr Hubble’s Bubbles is not narrative driven, it’s an exploration into the wonderful world of bubbles and the amazing things they can.

The show is full of genuine enthusiasm, Dr Hubble really does love bubbles. Using bubbles as his medium Dr Hubble gently explores the themes of recycling and waste minimisation, kindness and cooperation.

Dr Hubble is played by circus and sideshow legend Shep Huntly. Shep has 28 years’ experience on the stage and has performed in theatres and at festivals in 30 different countries around the world. The highlights are too numerous to mention but, just quickly, here are a few- The National Theatre of London, Imaginarius Festival in Portugal, four separate seasons in the Sydney Opera House and 17 Edinburgh Festivals.

After the birth of his daughter eight years ago Shep decided to reduce his international touring and become a children's’ entertainer. Now, working with Performance in Education and School Performance Tours he is busier than ever!

Venue Format
Theatre, Hall, Black Box Venue
Technical Rating
D, The production can be modified to suit most venues
Touring Party

The show is tour ready right now. It can be performed with very minimal tech requirements and set up. Everything packs into the back of a station wagon and can be bumped in in less than an hour. Its important to note the performance is best in a wind free space.

Dr Hubble is actually world renowned circus and sideshow performer Shep Huntly Shepard.

Over the last 20 years Shep has performed in 26 countries around the world. He is the resident host of The Circus Big Top at Glastonbury Festival in the UK and has performed four separate shows in the Sydney Opera House. Shep has a natural affinity with his audiences and especially with children. He was the host of the main stage at Moomba in Melbourne for many years before he moved to Byron Bay to become a parent.

Everybody loves bubbles but Dr Hubble REALLY loves bubbles and he wants to show you why.

Dr Hubble makes bubbles from objects we find around the house like the milk bottle bubble and the gum boot bubble.

You will also see bubbles inside bubbles, a square bubble, the biggest bubbles you have ever seen, the new explode-a bubble and at the end of the performance one lucky child will be put inside a bubble.

Dr Hubble shows the children different ways to make bubbles at home and how to keep bubbles alive by blowing gently underneath them. Its fun, funny and slightly educational for everyone.

Company Website

Unique Selling Point

I have a genuine love of performing and a genuine love of bubbles, these two things combine to make a charismatic, magical performance. What makes the show special is the unique bubble tricks and the 28 years of experience I bring to the stage.

Marketing Materials

I have a great website, lots of great photos, two great short promo videos and a couple of priceless quotes from reviews.

Community Engagement

During the show, I demonstrate a few innovative things children can make at home to make bubbles with. After shows I have a lot of disscussions with families about bubble making, bubble formula etc. People are fascinated by bubbles. I also offer bubble blowing workshops where children learn some basic bubble tricks. These workshops, are much more gratifying than circus workshops because every child can achieve a result.