Resting on the banks of the Flinders River in the centre of Queensland, Hughenden is a picturesque town that serves as major hub for the region. The town is indirectly named in honour of the twice-serving British Prime Minister Disraeli (you’ll notice it’s not called Disraeliville, it’s actually named after his residence Hughenden Manor). Hughenden is a hub of activity and is undergoing dramatic changes in industry and real estate. The town is also known as an important spot for archaololgists, who, in 1963 discovered the bones of a Muttaburrasaurus close to the vicinity, and its annual Country Music Festival in August each year. 

Hughenden is 1,600 km (17 hr drive) north west of Brisbane and 380 km (4 hr drive) west of Townsville.

View the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships online portal to identify the Indigenous language group/s for Hughenden.

population Population:
airport Airport:
icons Arts & Culture:
Australia Council Profile - Kennedy
Untitled-5 Local Electorate:
Etheridge Shire
Untitled-5 State Electorate:
Mount Isa
Untitled-5 Federal Electorate:
weather Weather:
25°C few clouds

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