Linsey makes music by live looping instruments of his own making such as the saxillo, Mr Curly, Rubber Glove bagpipes and the carrot clarinet. Using these instruments as well as voice, a bubble wrap drum, jawharps and a balloon, he cunningly creates layers of music so you can enjoy the process of composition as well as the product of performance. Watch and listen as he uses electronic wizardry neatly combined with DIY ingenuity to create the rich mellow sound of a watering can clarinet quartet, or voice-generated rhythm tracks together with a dose of seventies style funk with “Mr Curly” (a contra-bass clarinet made from plastic garden hose). He even turns a carrot into a beautiful sounding clarinet as you watch.

With only one performer and no tech crew this show is very easy to tour and Linsey has performed all over Australia everywhere from The Sydney Opera house Concert Hall to Emu Park CWA Hall to "The House of Amazement" in Austria.

This is a show suitable for all ages and works for adults and kids and therefore is a great Family show. It has very simple technical requirements.

Venue Format
Theatre, Hall, Black Box Venue, Outdoor
Technical Rating
D, The production can be modified to suit most venues
Touring Party

Tech requirements are very simple. Needs a good quality sound system - minimum requirement are 2 x 12" powered speakers and 2 x foldback monitors. Lighting is an open wash - "set and forget". No explicit content - suitable for all ages

Linsey Pollak is well known all around Australia as a musician, instrument maker, composer, musical director and community music facilitator. He has toured his solo shows extensively in Europe, Nth America and Asia since 1996.

He has performed at most major Festivals around Australia and recorded 36 albums (solo & with various groups). He has devised many large Festival pieces such as “BimBamBoo!! (Woodford and Brisbane Festivals) and “Sound Forest” (Qld Music Festival) and also collaborated on many Music / Theatre projects around Australia.

He has worked as a musical instrument maker for 40 years and has designed a number of new wind instruments as well as specialising in woodwind instruments from Eastern Europe (having studied Macedonian bagpipes in Macedonia).

Linsey has a reputation for making and playing instruments made from found objects such as rubber gloves, carrots, watering cans, chairs, brooms and bins. First developed in his solo show “Bang it with a Fork” and further in the acclaimed children’s show “Out of the Frying Pan”, this line of musical inventiveness has ultimately led him to spearhead Live Looping and develop his solo shows such as “Knocking on Kevin’s Door”, “Playpen”, “The Art of Food”, "Making Jam", “Cycology” and “Live and Loopy”.

Company Website

Unique Selling Point

Video clips available online; Range of photos available; cds available. This show has toured worldwide and so has a strong reputation. It is exceptionally innovative but very accessible to any age group. It features making music from household objects. The Carrot Clarinet is famous worldwide and has had over 3 million hits on YouTube! Mr Curly (a bass clarinet made from garden hose) went viral on YouTube.

Marketing Materials

Book / CD featuring 15 of Linsey's invented instruments. eBook and pdf with instructions for making your own musical instruments such as the carrot clarinet. Carrot Clarinet making kits. 52 video clips on YouTube

Community Engagement

The show is designed to inspire people to get involved in making music themselves and there are many anecdotes about how my shows have inspired people to do this. Post show discussion always engages the audience. Workshops in instrument making, Marimba playing, Macedonian Gypsy Brass band and Live Looping are all possible.