This show features the unique versatility of Australia’s award-winning performer, Danny Elliott. Accomplished on 15 different instruments, Danny brings his talents to the fore in a showcase of dazzling musicianship that attracts a standing ovation more often than not. Why? Because his showmanship, wonderful voice and musical talent make him one-of-a-kind.

Together with his wife, Sharna Le-Grand, Danny delights audiences offering a wide range of entertainment from light classics, musical theatre, rock ‘n’ roll, country to pop. Audiences watch in disbelief as Danny plays instrument after instrument, song after song, climaxing in a flourish on his favourite, the piano.

Swing on the clarinet or saxophone, country fiddle, guitar or bluegrass banjo, classical flute or chromatic harmonica, the Irish penny whistles and low whistle, the haunting sound of the pan pipes or didgeridoo, perhaps some blues harp or rock ‘n’ roll on the piano, or even the bagpipes!!! And when you think you’ve seen it all, ....there’s the voice! ....and the tap dancing!!

Although Danny and his musical wizardry will delight the audience, the contrast and chemistry with a soprano, his talented wife Sharna, ads yet another dimension to this multi-dimensional act.

Venue Format
Theatre, Hall, Black Box Venue, Outdoor
Technical Rating
A, B, C, D, The production can be modified to suit most venues
Touring Party
Two: Danny Elliott and Sharna Le-Grand

No critical issues, apart from the need for a piano, a good sound system and some simple lighting.

We thrive on presenting the best in live entertainment and fostering mutually beneficial and commercially satisfying partnerships with artists and venues.

Company Website

Unique Selling Point

More often than not, Danny's shows receive a STANDING OVATION.

Danny has been awarded multiple “Mo” and “ACE” awards in Australia for Versatile Variety and Variety Entertainer of the Year, and he is currently a regular on many of the worlds most luxurious cruise lines including Cunard, Silver Seas, Crystal, Royal Caribbean, Celebrity and Princess.

Danny recently performed for passengers aboard "Dawn Princess" at the end of her 2014 World Cruise. After 104 nights of entertainment, he received standing ovations and acclaim from many passengers as THE BEST ACT ON THE ENTIRE VOYAGE.

Marketing Materials

Comprehensive marketing resources will be provided, including Reviews; Artwork for posters Promotional pics and video; Promotional CDs and/or DVDs; Footage suitable for a TVC. If required, we will create a TVC for interested venues at cost. Danny will also be happy to undertake any media and other promotional commitments subject to the tour schedule and his availability. He will of course do radio interviews by phone, prior to arriving in your town if required.

Community Engagement

Danny will give short talks or workshops for schools, U3A or other interested groups (at no extra cost).