The origin of the name Cleveland is contested by two sides - it was either named by Captain Cook after John Cleveland, the Secretary of the Admiralty around the time or by surveyors in honour of William Vane, the first Duke of Cleveland. Established as a town in 1850, Cleveland is a tourism destination, and is a location strongly occupied by residential and commercial destinations. Its main industry is agriculture, with their chief exports being fruit and vegetables, among other crops including sugar.

Cleveland is on the coast just 30 km (40 min drive) east of Brisbane.

View the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships online portal to identify the Indigenous language group/s for Cleveland.

population Population:
icons Arts & Culture:
Australia Council Profile - Bowman
Untitled-5 Local Electorate:
Redland City Council
Untitled-5 State Electorate:
Untitled-5 Federal Electorate:
weather Weather:
28°C clear sky

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