Earth may be on the brink of destruction,
 But NOTHING could be worse than…

It’s 1956 and the Cold War is at it’s peak. Western civilisation is under constant threat of Communist attack, and Nuclear War is an ever-present fear for most citizens of the United States of America. But even total annihilation won’t stop the charming widows of the Susan B Anthony Society For The Sisters of Gertrude Stein from getting together and celebrating at their annual Quiche Breakfast.

5 Lesbians Eating A Quiche 
is the uproarious, award winning, Off-Broadway smash, that took America by storm and will have Australian audiences coming back for second helpings!

Venue Format
Theatre, Hall, Black Box Venue
Technical Rating
D, The production can be modified to suit most venues
Touring Party

Performance contains adult thems

Imprint Theatricals PTY. LTD. is a theatrical production company combining the experience, talents and passions of co-executive producers Sean Bryan and Nathanael Cooper. Currently based in Brisbane, Australia, Imprint Theatricals intends on leaving a mark on audiences across the globe through diverse and unique producing of live theatrical events.

Company Website

Unique Selling Point

Script won - Best Overall Production NY Fringe 2012 Off-Broadway Hit Smash hit from the inaugural MELT! festival at the Brisbane Powerhouse

Marketing Materials

Marketing collateral available includes:

  • High res images
  • Video footage available after premiere
  • Website for production
  • Social media channels - Facebook profile and Twitter feed

Community Engagement

5 Lesbians Eating A Quiche deals with a number LGBTIQ themes including tolerance and acceptance in small communities. To compliment these themes the production is able to offer a number of community engagement initiatives including: -Post show Q&A and discussion sessions discussing LGBTIQ issues and identity in small and rural communities. -Post show Q&A sessions on creating Queer theatre, and it's role in the Australian theatrical landscape

  • 'Quiche Brunch' meetings with leaders and members of the community to discuss ways of encouraging LGBTIQ issues, activities, tolerance and understanding within the community. -Opportunities for local university drama and arts students to meet members of the production to discuss experiences, touring productions, creating theatre, and presenting art across Australia.

Along with a lot of laughs, we hope to leave behind more accepting, tolerant and understanding communities.