All disciplines have terminology and acronyms to crack.  Below is a list of commonly used terms in the Australian arts and touring sector that may help you to navigate through the confusing minefield.

APAM – Australian Performing Arts Market connects contemporary Australian theatre, dance, emerging and experimental art with national and international opportunities.

APAX – Australian Performing Arts Exchange is PAC Australia's annual market and conference.

AQ – Arts Queensland

Door Split – An arrangement where the presenter and producer split the ticketing income rather than paying a presenter fee.

KPO – Key Performance Outcomes (often referred to for funding outcomes)

LAFHA – Living away from home allowance (see per diems)

MPAOs – Major Performing Arts Organisations

NTS – The National Touring Selector is a Australian online platform for producers and presenters to upload information about themselves. Touring selector is sometimes connected to specific events like Showbroker so presenters can express interest in specific productions.

PA – Playing Australia – Regional performance arts touring fund

PACA (or PAC Australia) – Performing Arts Connections Australia is the national peak body representing and supporting performing arts presenters and creators in Australia by providing leadership, building capacity and facilitating relationships that strengthen the connection between the art and the audience.

PCF – Presenter Confirmation Form (may also be referred to as VCF). View arTour's template

PER DIEMS – is a daily allowance for expenses that employers pay employees to cover living expenses when travelling for work

PQF – Playing Queensland Fund

RAA – Regional Arts Australia

Remount – The costs associated with rehearsing your production ready for the tour. This is generally only required for work that has not been performed for a significant amount of time and the performers/crew need to relearn the show. Royalties obligations are generally negotiated with creative personnel at the time the production is first created.

Royalty – Royalties are a percentage of box office income paid to producers so they can remunerate creative personnel involved in creating the work but are not necessarily a member of the touring party, for example; writers, designers, and directors.

Sell off fees – also known as presenter fees or buy in fees. The amount of money producers charges presenters if they are purchasing the work for their venue.

SHOWCASE VICTORIA – Delivered by VAPAC and Regional Arts Victoria in partnership, this Showcase focuses on building touring and networks within Victoria

Stage Queensland - Formerly NARPACA (Northern Australian Regional Performing Arts Centres Association).  The organisation is the peak body for performing arts centres in Queensland 

VAPAC – Victorian Association of Performing Arts Centres

VCF – Venue Confirmation Form (may also be referred to as PCF). View arTour's VCF template.

Most venues may also be abbreviated during casual conversation.  For instance QPAC is the Queensland Performing Arts Centre and RPAC is the Redland Performing Arts Centre.