Cooktown has a rich and varied history, synonymous with our multi-cultural landscape. It hosted Captain James Cook’s interaction with indigenous folk, was a bustling hub during the Gold Rush, and was known as a crucial outpost for World War II. Rich in biodiversity, Cooktown is well regarded for natural resources as well as being considered a treasure-trove of heritage, with museums, boathouses, and natural beauties. The discovery of Cooktown is celebrated on its founding date annually in June.

Cooktown is on the far north Queensland coast, 2000 km (23 hr drive) north of Brisbane and 340 km (4.5 hr drive) north of Cairns.

View the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships online portal to identify the Indigenous language group/s for Cooktown.

population Population:
airport Airport:
icons Arts & Culture:
Australia Council Profile - Leichhardt
Untitled-5 Local Electorate:
Cook Shire
Untitled-5 State Electorate:
Untitled-5 Federal Electorate:
weather Weather:
27°C overcast clouds

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