Created by Stefo Nantsou through extensive drama workshops in a number of regional and remote high schools in 2003, "The Forwards" is a tragic-comedy about friendship, alcohol-fuelled sporting culture and small town rivalries.

'The Forwards' is directed by Zeal Theatre's artistic director Stefo Nantsou and stars Sam Foster, Hayden Jones and Ellen Bailey.

Three actors take the audience through a whirlwind of emotions, as the show follows the story of a small town called “Pintoon” where nothing ever happens…. except the footy! The town is buzzing as the “Pintoon Parrots” finally make it to the Grand Final. Tensions boil over in the build up to the big game, leading to some devastating repercussions for the whole town. Each actor plays a number of characters from the town including the 3 star “forwards”, Hoges, Tractor and Gary Rabbit. The story is told through the eyes of Julie Carter, who is “Rabbit’s” girlfriend, with both roles being played by the same actress (Ellen Bailey).

A live musical score, performed by onstage musicians along with the 3 actors, complements the high-octane physical action. The Forwards is a superb example of Zeal’s signature style of theatre, utilizing physical theatre, live music and multiple characters.

Venue Format
Theatre, Black Box Venue
Technical Rating
C, The production can be modified to suit most venues
Touring Party

The production contains some adult themes and mild course language. It is suitable for ages 15+. This show contains live music.

Zeal Theatre are internationally renowned for their high energy, raw and hard hitting performance style that combines physical theatre, live music, multiple characters, minimal sets and an “in your face” story telling style.

Zeal Qld was founded in 2005 when the Qld Arts Council asked Zeal Theatre to mount a Qld version of his award winning show 'The Stones'. Sam Foster was asked to come on board to perform the show and Zeal Qld was born.

Since that time Zeal Qld has produced 4 touring shows in Qld. 'The Stones' (2 versions), 'The Apology' (3 versions), 'The Forwards' and 'Joyride'. Zeal Qld has been touring extensively for the last 10 years throughout Queensland, having performed to thousands of young people from Weipa to Warwick, Mt Isa to Mackay and Gladstone to the Gold Coast!

Zeal Qld have conducted workshops and residencies for hundreds of schools as well as companies including; ATYP, QTC, Backbone Youth Arts, Qld Arts Council, Artslink Qld, NORPA, The Young Company, Qld Shakespeare Ensemble and Griffith University

Zeal Qld will have 3 productions touring Qld schools in 2016. ‘The Apology’, 'The Forwards' and a new work 'Viral' written and devised by Sam Foster and Hayden Jones.

Company Website

Unique Selling Point

The Forwards was originally created through a number of community consultations in regional Victoria. This process gives the show a uniquely "small country town" voice. The characters in the show are easily identifiable and the themes of sporting culture, drinking, friendship and small town rivalries are appealing to audiences everywhere, not just in regional centres.

Zeal Theatre's unique style of fast paced, high action story telling, fused with physical theatre and live music makes for a thoroughly enjoyable and engaging production. This style of theatre is not widely performed in Australian and has gained Zeal Theatre international recognition.

Marketing Materials

The Forwards is published by Playlab along with another Zeal play, The Apology. Teachers Resource notes are available to accompany the show. Media Release and show notes also available upon request

Community Engagement

The Forwards was inspired by true stories and people from regional communities. This allows for community to connect with the show on a deeply personal level. Hopefully the events and characters in the show are easily identifiable and relatable for the audience creating a meaningful engagement between audience and performer.

Zeal Theatre Qld have extensive experience in workshop facilitation and performances of The Forwards can we accompanied by a workshop or masterclass. Workshops can be in delivered in physical theatre, devising theatre and characterisation.

The Forwards explores several themes and issues that are relevant to many regional communities. Zeal Theatre Qld can facilitate a community forum discussing these themes and issues upon request from the venue.

Zeal Theatre Qld also offers another production, "The Apology" which could be performed as a double bill with The Forwards or during the daytime for high school students. This would increase the contribution to the community while keeping the cost for the venue down.