Murgon sits on the Burnett River in southeast Queensland, and offers an industry that could be described as nothing short of delicious. The town produces award-winning cuisine including peanuts, dairy farming, cattle produce, and crafting wine. Although relatively small, the town is very culturally diverse, located just six kilometres from the Aboriginal community of Cherbourg.

Murgon is 260 km (3 hr drive) north west of Brisbane and 170 km (2 hr drive) west of the Sunshine Coast.

View the Department of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships online portal to identify the Indigenous language group/s for Murgon.

population Population:
icons Arts & Culture:
Australia Council Profile - Wide Bay
Untitled-5 Local Electorate:
South Burnett Regional Council
Untitled-5 State Electorate:
Untitled-5 Federal Electorate:
Wide Bay
weather Weather:
16°C few clouds

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